However, in our country, backwardness and deviation of theoretical study, simplicity and disorder of legislation, arbitrariness and confusion of judicial operation to self& admission system is not suitable to successful conduct of civil procedure activities and current reform of civil procedure. 而在我国,对自认制度理论研究的滞后与偏差,立法的简单与紊乱,司法操作的随意与混乱与民事诉讼活动的有效进行和当前的民事诉讼改革确是大异其趣。
However, there are some circumstances, such as presumption, judicial review and where a party makes an admission, where the court may deduce the facts without evidence. 但是在特殊情况下,法院不需要当事人提供证据就可以认定事实。主要包括三种情况:推定、司法认知和承认。